I had the pleasure of sitting in on a training in our district today by two of my colleagues (Amy and Heather). I love watching them speak about their experiences with flipping the classroom. They are so passionate about making their lessons available for students 24/7 and holding students accountable for their learning. However, only 10% of the flipping process means that you should be assigning the videos for homework. During their workshop, they showed a video by Lodge McCammon that describes the "pitch" for videotaping your lessons for homework is just 10% of the reason of why you should do it. View the video below to hear Lodge describe it himself. Flipping the classroom can be such a powerful tool in the classroom. Think about reteaching... Think about instruction for students who are absent... Think about having yourself in the classroom as your own co-teacher! These are the reasons that you should be flipping your lessons! Think about it and then do i
Just sharing my learning! Hope you enjoy!