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Showing posts from November, 2015

Technology and the 4 C's

The 4C's include:  Collaboration, Creativity, Communication, and Critical Thinking.  The 4 C's came about by a joint venture of the National Education Association and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.  For more information on this, please view the following document: Recently, I have looked for good resources online regarding the 4C's and technology, but haven't been able to find one that is current and applicable to today's classroom.  So today, I have decided to write my own blog post that demonstrates how to combine the 4C's with technology integration in the classroom. Many of the tools listed below can be used in conjunction with each other and overlap the 4C's to really increase the rigor and skill set. However, you must keep in mind that it is isn't just the technology, it is how the technology is used that's important.  Hopefully the following information will help you as you